Why is genetics important?

I suppose a brief explanation would be genetics is what allows life to continue.

DNA replication allows for one cell to turn into two, and therefore allow multicellular organisms such as ourselves to exist.

To most people genetics is very interesting, and has greatly influenced the world in good and bad ways.

  • Trait inheritance - A physical molecule (DNA) which can be passed on to offspring, encodes a physical property of a human. E.g. Eye colour.

  • Eugenics - The aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people (as believed by Hitler).

  • Genetic diseases - Once understood interventions can be developed to increase the quality of life for the human race.

  • Epigenetics - Heritable biological traits that do not involve changes in DNA. Part of the 'nature' vs 'nurture' debate. What causes you to look the way you do? Is it 100% your DNA or partially your environment too?

  • Genetic Counselor - A new job has stemmed from genetics which advises individuals or families affected by, or at risk of genetic disorders. The could be assisting, those affected by cancer, preventing unwanted inheritable genetic disorders, or other genetic related phenomenons.

  • Evolution - The changes in genetics over successive generations. Different organisms may have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

  • RNA World Hypothesis - How did one cell turn into two? Replication. This is a popular hypothesis on how replication started. A report from NASA states the genetic building blocks may have arrived on earth from a meteorite. Supporting the hypothesis of Panspermia.

  • Industry - Biopharmaceuticals/Pharmacogeneics is a new realm of interest for many pharmaceutical companies with

  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) - Direct & purposefully human made genetic changes. E.g. Golden Rice is a rice that is derived from a genetically modified plant to increase Vitamin A levels in populations that are deficient in Vitamin A. (Vitamin A deficiency killed 670,000 children a year)

This list is not exhaustive but it does address most of the reasons why genetics is important. (Others that are worth a quick mention, Designer babiesGenome-wide association studies and DNA Profiling). If you are interesting in reading recent genetic advancements I would like to direct you here.


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