
Showing posts from June, 2020

How do organisms develop and organised themselves?

Biology is a world of great symmetry. Pleasing to the eye and of spectacular beauty. Some examples include butterflies, others that are less beautiful may include crayfish and ones that are of great curiosity include yourself. The exceptional symmetry of a butterfly But, biology is also approximate and so there are slight unintended modifications - mistakes. I must stress, these mistakes (often genetic mutations) are not always bad. Some mutations may cause cancer , some may be of benefit and and some may do nothing at all. But how do you understand organisation when it has small random inaccuracies? Scientists are studying the incredible developmental coordination and organisation phenomena that our cells, tissues and organs undergo. Fate Mapping is a method used to study the organisation of cells - typically the embryonic stages of life. 42 years ago an enzyme from the roots of horseradishes was isolated and proved to be an effective marker to study cell progeny. It wa...

Why is finding "patient zero" in an pandemic so important?

Where did it come from? Where did it go? It came from patient zero. And reasons to know why include: How did they obtain the virus? Who have they been in contact with? As of the 21st of June there is no reason to know who patient zero has been in contact with. But for point number 1, it seems abundantly clear that 'fake news' and conspiracy theories have taken the reins amid the Corona Virus pandemic.  What is the origin of the Corona Virus? Before we answer that question, it is best to reflect on history. " Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. " - George Santayana. The source of the disease Ebola was unclear for many years. Patient Zero allowed for the identification of the location of patient 0 and subsequently the animals they were in contact with. If animals were suspected as the source of the virus they could be genetically tested and evaluated. If identified as the source, then available it can be public information for...

What is the 'Good Genes Hypothesis' and is it true?

The famous philanthropist Oprah has advised thousands of women across the globe on how to find ' the one '. But Oprah never mentioned the good genes hypothesis. The good genes hypothesis was originally proposed in the 1980s and propagates the idea that observed mates are selected by their ability to pass on genes that increase reproductive success. How might it work? An organisms phenotype is determined by its genotype. Meaning your body observable properties (organs, tissues and cells) are determined by their genes. Therefore if your face is asymmetrical then more mutations have arisen, making you a sub-optional candidate compared to a more symmetrical competitor, who is less prone to mutations. Many psychology studies have shown that greater symmetry has a relationship with attractiveness. Is the good genes theory well supported or true? Whilst it is an appealing hypothesis, a recent study with almost 5000 participants with varying degrees of facial symmetry fou...